cool hit counter
GossipGirl; Blair&chuck/chuck&blair <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: '\x3d6274284\x26blogName\x3dIts+My+World!\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dTAN\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3d\x26blogLocale\x3den_US\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3d\x26vt\x3d-8505706568324524037', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>
that's a secret i'll never tell
♥Name ♥ Goh Kit Min
♥Age/Birthday ♥ I'm turning 21, 14 Feb 1988
♥Education ♥ TVPS, AMKSS, NP(QME), NTU(MPE)
♥Location ♥ Singapore, Hougang


Interests: Online shopping & Sleeping
Likes: Green & Brown, shopping & Clover
Dislike:DOLL! GROSS!♥

say it.
But I am me.
And you are you.
We're Chuck and Blair.
Blair and Chuck.
The worst thing you've
ever done, the darkest
thought you've ever had,
I will stand by you
through anything.



Monday, October 05, 2009

Hello everyone, recess week had just over.. For the past 1 week, I am building my website.. Ya, start a small little for myself.. The reason of setting up this business is to try out doing business and feel how is it like to do an online business.. The feeling is great.. Although at time is tiring but you will feel great when you close a deal.. Please visit my small little business website at This is a little business selling a beauty product named dermalogica.. A few friends and I have been using this product for quite some times, it is not bad.. For more information, please visit the website or check with me.. I am more than happy to answer your enquiries..

Kit said it at 10:15:00 PM

Thursday, September 24, 2009



词: 潘协庆 李宗盛 曲: 潘协庆

没别的 只想说对不起
对不起 我真的爱你
不管你会怎么想 你怎么说
你知道 有时候感情事很难说
很难说 爱人或朋友
一想你 我的心就发烧

对不起 对不起 我爱你

没别的 只想说对不起
怎么样 我都会珍惜
你知道 有时候男孩更难捉摸
难捉摸 爱人或朋友
一想你 我的心就狂跳

对不起 对不起 我爱你

合眼闭眼间 出现的全是你
对不起 对不起 我爱你

Kit said it at 10:20:00 AM

Monday, September 14, 2009

I have been looking forward for a bangkok trip for a long long time. I was telling Chris that we should go there during our vacation since the next holiday I will be working and he will be most likely going for oversea exchange. He agreed to my idea. However, few days ago when he brought up this matter to his mother, she objected to it. As she mentioned about going to Zhu Hai this December but we do not really want to go. When she knows we are heading somewhere else, her reaction become very huge and said that she is very old now and she mention that long ago. Plus bangkok is unsafe and there is only two of us which will bring rumour.

In order to make this a win-win situation, Chris actually promised that he will be going for both holiday to accompany his mother and I respectively. So his mother reply is if he is only going for this holiday, she will pay for all his expenses. If not, he will need to pay for everything himself including airfare and accommodation since he has the extra cash to go for another trip. If this is the case, he requires around one thousand for his airfare and acommodation for both holiday excluding his personal expenses on the trips. When Chris requested for further leeway by helping him to pay for part of his fare, his mother roared at him and started throwing stuff and told him the trip was cancelled.

To be truth, I am rather disappointed as I am so excited over it but it was called off at the end.

I was telling my mum about the whole incident. My mum told me Chris is just like my dad, always listening to his mother. Even there are times that my granny was at fault, he will always stand by her side. If his mother does not like me, I might lead a very miserable life. If I decided to be with him, I should prepare for all these. She continued saying that I should not lead him astray by telling him not to listen to his mother.

Chris was telling me that his mother brought them up single-handed, he can't just ignore her. For this situation, he can't do anything and the best thing is don't go for both holiday which I agreed too. However I still think that we should fight for our own right, afterall this is our lives.

Kit said it at 10:21:00 AM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My last published post was on 20 March 2009.. That was like almost 6 months.. This is the longest period of time I never been blogging.. So what is the reason for blogging once again? My answer to it is I want to improve on my English language and feel more accomplish..

New semester had started for 5 weeks, this time round, I am slightly different.. In what way? I started study around 3-4weeks before I got 'lost' of what the professors are teaching in the lecture class.. A brand new year with lots of changes. Mass tutorial held in a lecture hall instead of individual tutorial group in the tutorial rooms, so what is the use of tutorial room? The freshmen have becoming more and more hardworking as compare to my year.. I overheard a conversation of a year 1 student with the printing shop assistant. This is how it goes:

Student: Do you all send past year exam papers with solutions
Assistant: Yes, we do. Which year are you looking at?
Student: Year one modules
Assistant: Hmm, however we have not get the solutions from the respective school club yet.
Student: Oh, how about the one for past year?
Assistant: No, we do not have it.
Student: Okay, when will it arrive?
Assistant: We are not sure, we have not get any information yet.

Normally, the exam papers with solutions will only available after recess week which is on the 5 October, another 3.5 weeks away.. However the year one freshmen have started looking for these precious notes.. This is so stressful.. Does stress really help in motivate a person to excel or does it brings a person down? What do you think?

Kit said it at 4:43:00 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

南拳媽媽 (梁心頤 Lara) - 下雨天

下雨天了怎么办 我好想你
不敢打给你 我找不到原因
沉默的场景 做你的代替

一个人撑伞 一个人擦泪

怎样的雨 怎样的夜
天要多黑 才能够有你的体贴

其实 没有我你分不清那些
差別 接近还能多一些

一个人撑伞 一个人擦泪

怎样的雨 怎样的夜
天要多黑 才能够有你的体贴

其实 没有我你分不清那些
差別 接近还能多一些

怎样的雨 怎样的夜
天要多黑 才能够有你的体贴

其实 没有我你分不清那些
差別 接近还能多一些

I love this song.. So true..

Kit said it at 1:33:00 PM

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Just watch He's just not into you. Was laughing and tearing at some parts of the movie when they had some random people to talk. I found one of the conversation that I like most.

...If he’s not marrying you

I used to think that I have never been dumped.
Yea, but then we started comparing notes and then we realized, wait a second, we’ve both been dumped by every man we’ve ever been with
But they do it so skillfully
So sneaky…
And you think it was your idea
Yea, yea, yea, you know, you sitting back and you’re like oh, oh, oh this is my idea but wait a second, why am I alone?
Why am I unhappy? Why have I gained 20 pounds?
They jeti-mind trick you, you know what I’m saying?
Yes they do
Yea, like, oh, I don’t want to stand in your way
Oh, oh, or, you’re perfect, it’s just, I have to work on my self
Right right, I’m just thinking of your happiness
Oh I don’t deserveee you, that’s my favorite
Oh, you wanna know the one I like? I am so jealous of the guy who gets to marry you…well that could’ve been you.
That’s what I was… leaning towards.
Yea! and let me tell you something, the second you hear that, you just run to the store, get yourself some ribs and some ice cream, because YOU have been dumped

Does this ring a bell to you?

Watched this movie with Chris, I told him I like this movie as it is quite meaningful. He said this movie is just average, all these are common sense. 'Common sense'? I guess I just had none, cause I didn't know about it or somehow refuse to admit it and find 10 thousands reasons to cover it just like Gigi in the show. Silly girl, move on! Face it! Actually I faced it and moved on long ago. Worst is I faced it and ACCEPTED it; moved on in a CIRCLE.

Hey, I like this part, how you know you like a guy/girl:
1. jumping every time your phone ring and hoping it was him/her
2. You can't focus
3. feeling the needs to bring up his/her name in random conversations

Add in one more, trying to find out every little thing about him/her. Is it happening to you?

Kit said it at 10:29:00 PM

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Didn't blog as much as before as I was into facebook, board game and mahjong.. This is the end of recess week which mean study came in.. Need to work extra hard in order to stay in NTU.. Was thinking about since I had turned 21st, I should made a routine for my life.

Mon, Wed & Fri must go for jogging, slow or fast, long or short.. Must make it a habit. Swimming! At least twice a month, if not replace it with cycling, kayaking or what so ever, just make it a MUST to exercise. I am worried that I will become fatter and fatter if I don't exercise.

Save at least 1/4 of the allowance every week. Only able to eat at restaurant at most once a week. Only able to buy 3 items, be it accessories, clothes, shoes, makeup, a month. Only $30-$40 entertainment fee including movies, Kbox and mahjong fee.

Sunday is strictly for study, forbidden to go out. Need to clock at least 8hrs a week excluding Sunday for studies. Hopefully it is enough.

Mask at least twice a week. Go to hair salon once every 2 month. Do my own hair treatment twice a week. Remember to complete all steps for my face twice a day.

I don't like to say that but since I had grew up, I am responsible for my own life and doing. No one can tell me what to do which mean I need to make my own decision wisely. Regardless in family, love life, friendship, career/studies or money, I can't always be indecisive or made decision without thinking much. I need to think what is the best decision for me and for people around me. I can't please everyone around me, but I can always minimize the damage to the lowest.

Kit said it at 4:10:00 PM